Personal Deposit Rates

Personal Deposit Rates

Rates and APYs Accurate as of 1/30/2025


Term Rate APY
91 Day* 0.50% 0.50%
182 Day* 1.25% 1.26%
12 Month 2.00% 2.02%
18 Month 2.15% 2.17%
24 Month 2.20% 2.22%
30 Month 2.20% 2.22%
36 Month 2.25% 2.27%
*Interest is compounded and credited at maturity.

Annual Percentage Yield (A.P.Y.) | Interest is compounded and credited monthly.

The interest rate for your account will be paid until the maturity date of your certificate. Interest begins to accrue on the business day you make a deposit. We use the average daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. If interest compounding occurs during the term of your account, the annual percentage yield disclosed assumes interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. If you close your account before interest is credited, you will receive the accrued interest. This account will automatically renew at maturity. You will have 10 calendar days from the maturity date to withdraw your funds without being charged a penalty.The minimum balance to open an account is $1,000; the minimum balance to open an 18 month IRA is $100; by maintaining this balance you will obtain the annual percentage yield. After the account is opened, you may not make deposits into the account until the maturity date. If you make principal withdrawals prior to the maturity date the following penalties may be assessed:

If the certificate' s maturity is less than 92 days the penalty will be loss of interest on the amount withdrawn or one months interest, whichever is greater. If the certificate's maturity is from 92 days to one year the penalty is 3 months interest on the amount withdrawn. If the certificate's maturity is greater than one year the penalty is 6 months interest on the amount withdrawn.

We will use the nominal (simple interest) rate in effect to calculate the amount of the penalty. We will charge the penalty first against the interest remaining in the account at the time of withdrawal , and any excess will be deducted from the amount you withdraw.

1. We must consent to a request for early withdrawal without penalty if any account owner dies or is declared incompetent. 2. We must consent to a withdrawal request if this is an IRA or KEOGH account and the request is made within 7 days of establishing the account. The penalty in such case will be all the interest earned on the amount withdrawn. 3. We are permitted to waive the penalty if this is an IRA account and you are at least 59.5 years of age or disabled at the time of the request.

Certificate Of Deposits (CD) High Yield

Term Rate APY
12 Month* 3.93% 4.00%
12 Month** 4.07% 4.15%
*Requires a minimum balance between $100,000.00 to $249,999.99
**Requires a minimum balance of $250,000.00 and over 
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Annual Percentage Yield (A.P.Y.) | Interest is compounded and credited monthly.
The interest rate for your account will be paid until the maturity date of your certificate. Interest begins to accrue on the business day you make a deposit. We use the average daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. If interest compounding occurs during the term of your account, the annual percentage yield disclosed assumes interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. If you close your account before interest is credited, you will receive the accrued interest. This account will automatically renew at maturity. You will have 10 calendar days from the maturity date to withdraw your funds without being charged a penalty. The minimum balance to open an account is $100,000; by maintaining this balance you will obtain the annual percentage yield. After the account is opened, you may not make deposits into the account until the maturity date. If the balance of the certificate of deposit falls below $100,000 the interest rate and APY will be 0%. If you make principal withdrawals prior to the maturity date the following penalties may be assessed: If the certificate' s maturity is less than 92 days the penalty will be loss of interest on the amount withdrawn or one months interest, whichever is greater. If the certificate's maturity is from 92 days to one year the penalty is 3 months interest on the amount withdrawn. If the certificate's maturity is greater than one year the penalty is 6 months interest on the amount withdrawn. We will use the nominal (simple interest) rate in effect to calculate the amount of the penalty. We will charge the penalty first against the interest remaining in the account at the time of withdrawal , and any excess will be deducted from the amount you withdraw.


1. We must consent to a request for early withdrawal without penalty if any account owner dies or is declared incompetent. 2. We must consent to a withdrawal request if this is an IRA or KEOGH account and the request is made within 7 days of establishing the account. The penalty in such case will be all the interest earned on the amount withdrawn. 3. We are permitted to waive the penalty if this is an IRA account and you are at least 59.5 years of age or disabled at the time of the request.

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)

Term Rate APY
18 Month 2.15% 2.17%
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The interest rate for your account will be paid until the maturity date of your certificate. Interest begins to accrue on the business day you make a deposit. We use the average daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. If interest compounding occurs during the term of your account, the annual percentage yield disclosed assumes interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. If you close your account before interest is credited, you will receive the accrued interest. This account will automatically renew at maturity. You will have 10 calendar days from the maturity date to withdraw your funds without being charged a penalty. The minimum balance to open an account is $1,000; the minimum balance to open an 18-month IRA is $100; by maintaining this balance you will obtain the annual percentage yield. After the account is opened, you may not make deposits into the account until the maturity date. If you make principal withdrawals prior to the maturity date the following penalties may be assessed.

If the certificate' s maturity is less than 92 days the penalty will be loss of interest on the amount withdrawn or one month’s interest, whichever is greater. If the certificate's maturity is from 92 days to one year the penalty is 3 months interest on the amount withdrawn. If the certificate's maturity is greater than one year the penalty is 6 months interest on the amount withdrawn. We will use the nominal (simple interest) rate in effect to calculate the amount of the penalty. We will charge the penalty first against the interest remaining in the account at the time of withdrawal, and any excess will be deducted from the amount you withdraw.

1. We must consent to a request for early withdrawal without penalty if any account owner dies or is declared incompetent.
2. We must consent to a withdrawal request if this is an IRA or KEOGH account and the request is made within 7 days of establishing the account. The penalty in such case will be all the interest earned on the amount withdrawn.
3. We are permitted to waive the penalty if this is an IRA account and you are at least 59.5 years of age or disabled at the time of the request.

Annual Percentage Yield (A.P.Y.) | Interest is compounded and credited monthly.

My eNB Account

Minimum Balance Rate APY
$.01 - 9,999.99 .00% .00%
$10,000.00 - 24,999.99 1.00% 1.00%
$25,000.00 - 49,999.99 1.25% 1.26%
$50,000.00 - 99,999.99 1.50% 1.51%
$100,000.00 - 899,999.99 2.00% 2.02%
$900,000.00 - and over 2.25% 2.27%
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The interest rate and APY on your account are variable, set by bank discretion and may change at any time. Interest will be compounded daily and credited monthly. If you close your account before interest is credited you will receive the accrued interest. We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal balance in the account each day. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day when the bank receives credit for a deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks). You must deposit $10,000.00 to open this account. There will be a monthly service charge of $10 if the daily ledger balance drops below $10,000 on any day of the statement cycle. There will be a $10 monthly service charge for mailed paper statements. This charge can be avoided by signing up for electronic statements through online banking. With this account your Mobiliti deposit limit, ATM cash withdrawal limit and Point of Sale limit may vary from limits in the Understanding Your Account brochure. A customer service representative will provide you with further details. Dormant accounts with a ledger balance of $50.00 or less will be charged a $2 monthly fee. An account is considered dormant after 12 consecutive months of no activity. Account statements and account related item images are kept for 7 years.

Keystone High Yield

Minimum Balance Rate APY
$.01 - 9,999.99 .00% .00%
$10,000.00 - 24,999.99 .20% .20%
$25,000.00 - 49,999.99 .20% .20%
$50,000.00 - 99,999.99 .20% .20%
$100,000.00 - 899,999.99 .20% .20%
$900,000.00 - and over .25% .25%
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The interest rate and APY on your account are variable, set by bank discretion and may change at any time. Interest will be compounded daily and credited monthly. If you close your account before interest is credited you will receive the accrued interest. We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal balance in the account each day. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day when the bank receives credit for a deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks). You must deposit $10,000.00 to open this account. There is no monthly maintenance fee or per check charges. Unlimited check writing is allowed. Dormant accounts with a ledger balance of $50.00 or less will be charged a $2 monthly fee. An account is considered dormant after 12 consecutive months of no activity. Account statements and account related item images are kept for 7 years.

Keystone Money Market

Minimum Balance Rate APY
$.01 - 9,999.99 .00% .00%
$10,000.00 - 24,999.99 .50% .50%
$25,000.00 - 49,999.99 .75% .75%
$50,000.00 - 99,999.99 1.00% 1.00%
$100,000.00 - 899,999.99 1.75% 1.76%
$900,000.00 - and over 2.20% 2.22%
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The interest rate and APY on your account are variable, set by bank discretion and may change at any time. Interest will be compounded daily and credited monthly. If you close your account before interest is credited you will receive the accrued interest. We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal balance in the account each day. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day when the bank receives credit for a deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks). You must deposit $10,000.00 to open this account. Limit of 6 transfer/withdrawals per statement cycle. Unlimited transfers/withdrawals are allowed if completed in-person at an ATM or Northwestern Bank location. If you exceed the transfer limitations set forth above in any statement cycle, your account will be subject to closure. There is no monthly maintenance fee or per check charges. ATM card available only. Dormant accounts with a ledger balance of $50.00 or less will be charged a $2 monthly fee. An account is considered dormant after 12 consecutive months of no activity.  Account statements and account related item images are kept for 7 years.

Health Savings Account

Minimum Balance Rate APY
$.01 - 2,499.99 1.45% 1.46%
$2,500.00 - 9,999.99 1.75% 1.76%
$10,000.00 - and over 2.00% 2.02%
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The interest rate and APY on your account are variable, set by bank discretion and may change at any time. Interest will be compounded daily and credited monthly. If you close your account before interest is credited you will receive the accrued interest. We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal balance in the account each day. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day when the bank receives credit for a deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks).

The minimum balance required to open this account is $50.00 in addition to the set-up fee.

MONTHLY MAINTENANCE FEE of $5.00 if the daily ledger balance drops below $50.00 on any day of the statement cycle.

Free Debit Card is available.

Free HSA duplicate checks and deposits slips. Unlimited check writing is allowed on your account. These checks must be used for HSA Medical Expenses only.

OVERDRAFTS AND OVERDRAFT PROTECTION ARE NOT ALLOWED. If an overdraft occurs, a handling fee of $35.00 will be charge against the HSA and the check will be returned.

ALL CORRECTIONS, INCLUDING EXCESS CONTRIBUTIONS, FEE: $25.00 (per hour) To avoid this charge only make qualified contributions. Eligibility is determined on a monthly basis. All deposits made are reported as a current year contribution and will be reported as such on your 1099SA, unless you contact Customer Service at the time of deposit requesting a change. For advice on your personal situation check with your Insurance, Employer or Tax Agent.


PREVIOUS YEAR CONTRIBUTIONS: (January 1 – April 15) It is your responsibility to inform us that you are making a contribution for the previous year. A contribution form will need to be signed.

CATCH-UP CONTRIBUTIONS: Eligible individuals who are age 55 and older may make HSA catch-up contributions up to $1,000. For eligible individuals who are married and have family coverage, each spouse who is age 55 or older may make a catch-up contribution. Each spouse must have an individual HSA account if both want to make “catch-up” contributions.

AGE 65: You no longer qualify to make contributions to your HSA if you are enrolled in any part of Medicare. The contributions & catch-up contributions will need to be pro-rated for the year.

TRANSFER FEE: $25.00 You will receive a monthly bank statement. *All deposits will be reported to the IRS as a Current Year Contribution and all checks, ATM or electronic withdrawals will be reported to the IRS as a Normal Distribution. *It will be your responsibility to notify us if there is any transaction that would not be a Current Year Contribution or a Normal Distribution. *We will not track the employee and employer contributions. *If your account balance goes to zero, it will be considered closed. *Cancelled checks are safe kept for your convenience.

Specific forms are mandatory for the following types of transactions: Deposit: Previous Year Contributions, Rollover, Transfer Withdrawals: Death, Disability, Excess Contribution Removal, Prohibited Transactions

ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: As Custodian, the Bank is responsible for reporting total distributions in January on IRS Form 1099-SA and total contributions for the previous year (in May) on IRS Form 5498-SA. A Fair Market Value Statement is mailed in January showing the deposits and withdrawals made in that year. Account holder is responsible for retaining records for tax purposes and must complete and file IRS Form 8889 with the 1040, showing HSA distributions taken during the calendar year.

It is important to keep a record of all your medical receipts and bank statements indefinitely. Your deposit account at Northwestern Bank is governed by the provisions provided in the “Understanding Your Deposit Account” booklet, provided at the time of your enrollment, along with other agreements that pertain to your Health Saving Account.

For more information on Health Savings Accounts: IRS Publication 969 & 502. Internet address:

Statement Savings

Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
0.25% 0.25%
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The interest rate on your account is .15% with an annual percentage yield (APY) of .15%. The interest rate and APY on your account are variable, set by bank discretion and may change at any time. Interest will be compounded and credited monthly. If you close your account before interest is credited you will receive the accrued interest. We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal balance in the account each day. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day when the bank receives credit for a deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks). Limit of 6 transfer/withdrawals per statement cycle. Unlimited transfers/withdrawals are allowed if completed in-person at an ATM or Northwestern Bank location. If you exceed the transfer limitations set forth above in any statement cycle, your account will be subject to closure. You will get a monthly account statement, unless there are no transfers in a particular month. In any case, you will get a statement at least quarterly. You must deposit $10 to open this account. There is a monthly minimum balance fee of $2 if the average monthly ledger balance drops below $50. Account statements and account related item images are kept for 7 years.

My Future Account Savings

Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
0.25% 0.25%
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The interest rate on your account is .15% with an annual percentage yield (APY) of .15% The interest rate and APY on your account are variable, set by bank discretion and may change at any time. Interest will be compounded and credited monthly. If you close your account before interest is credited you will receive the accrued interest. We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal balance in the account each day. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day when the bank receives credit for a deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks). Limit of 6 transfer/withdrawals per statement cycle. Unlimited transfers/withdrawals are allowed if completed in-person at an ATM or Northwestern Bank location. If you exceed the transfer limitations set forth above in any statement cycle, your account will be subject to closure. You will get a monthly account statement, unless there are no transfers in a particular month. In any case, you will get a statement at least quarterly. You must deposit $10 to open this account. When the Minor reaches the age of 14, there will be monthly minimum balance fee of $2 if the average monthly ledger balance drops below $50. Account statements and account related item images are kept for 7 years.

Additional Info

*Stop Payment $30.00 Per Item
*Insufficient Funds Fee $25.00 Per Item Returned
*Overdraft Protection (from Savings) ​$6.00 Per Transfer
Debit/ATM Card Replacement Fee ​​$5.00
Overdrafts ​​​$25.00 Per Item/Withdrawal
Items Deposited that are Returned ​​​​$10.00 Per Item
Cashier's Check ($1,000.00 and under) ​​​​​$2.50 
Cashier's Check ($1000.01 or more) $5.00
Canadian Checks ​​​​​$5.00
Incoming Wire ​​​​​$10.00
Outgoing Wire ​​​​​$25.00
Foreign Wire ​​​​​$50.00
Wire Domestic Investigation ​$25.00
Wire Foreign Investigation ​​$60.00
Levy / Garnishment ​​​$100.00
Check Printing ​​​​Fees may vary depending on style

Does not apply to Savings Accounts
Fees may be charged for overdrafts created by checks, in-person withdrawals, ATM withdrawals, or other electronic means. ​

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